Nony’s Food and Condiments Claimed

We take the stress off you. 22-Sep-2020

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Nony’s Food and Condiments is all about originality.
Make those soups and pottages with our unadultrated palmoil, oron crayfish and river dried fish.
Try out our spicy isi-ewu and our peppered snail.
Peppered kpomo is not left out.
Nony’s food is here to take the stress off you. We are a phone call away.
Just say the word.

Spicy Isi-ewu
Mouth watering peppered snails
Peppered kpomo
River dried fish
Unadultrated palmoil 4ltrs
Unadultrated palmoil 5ltrs
Oron crayfish
$Painter #3,000
Dried kpomo (30 pieces)
Fresh snail
Guinea corn
Soya bean
Powdered okpehe

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