From Launch to Success: 5 Must-Do’s for New E-commerce Websites

If you’ve just launched an e-commerce website, do these 5 things consistently to grow e-commerce sales.

Every now and then I get asked by new online business owners what they can do to boost sales. In the past 12 years of my e-commerce business experience, these 5 suggestions are a great way to start.

  1. Market to your ideal customer. Create a customer persona and always tailor your marketing efforts to meet the needs of your audience, your ideal customer.
  2. Use high-quality, visually appealing product images. Visitors rely heavily on product images to make purchase decisions. Use high-quality images, and 360-degree videos where possible.
  3. Deliver great customer service. Give excellent customer service by responding to customer inquiries promptly, being clear about your policies, and doing all you can to exceed their expectations.
  4. Optimize your website for conversions. Make it easy for customers to navigate your website and find what they are looking for. Minimize distractions like pop-ups and ensure your checkout process is seamless.
  5. Engage on social media consistently. Create compelling and engaging content that can help with visibility to your target audience and in turn improve visits to your website. In addition, run effective social media ads.

Remember, giving great customer service (tip #3) is critical, which can lead to increased sales and revenue over time. Try implementing these tips on your own e-commerce website and see how they can help you grow your sales!

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