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Get rid of that belly fat


Want to have that great belly?   This exercise is great abdominal work – out for your excess belly fat whether you are a new mom or not.

Even when you think your abdomen is aphrodisiac, its good to keep it that way by exercising. I tried it, it was intense but great.


Try it at home for just 10 minutes.  This could give you ‘That Posh Look‘ you earnestly desire.

Let me know what you think!

Email a friend.

IMF-World Economic Outlook proposes steps to move Africa forward


The October 2009 edition of the World Economic Outlook published by the IMF says growth in Nigeria will slow to 2.9% in 2009 and expected to rebound to 5% in 2010. For Africa as a whole Real GDP growth is expected to decline to 13/4% in 2009 (it averaged 6% between 2004 & 2008) before accelerating to 4% in 2010. The reason for the slump in growth is as a result of collapse of global trade and disruptions in global financial markets.

On the outlook for the Sub-Saharan African region, the report says “poverty could increase significantly as real GDP per capita contracts in 2009 – the first decline in a decade – unemployment rises, and the region suffers from a lack of extensive social safety nets.”

Going forward, the report proposes that Africa must:

  • move ahead with a series of reforms to strengthen the region’s resilience to external shocks and growth prospects,
  • promote the development and implementation of sound and transparent public policies  – which include improved capacity for public financial management, creation of fiscal room for the enhancement of transport, health and education infrastructures and introduction of well targeted poverty reduction programs,
  • business environment should be further reformed to facilitate private sector growth especially those that bothers on start-up costs for new enterprises,
  • banking supervisory capacity is to be strengthened and the scope of financial sector regulation and supervision should be expanded, and
  • some countries should also make efforts to further integrate their economies with the rest of the world.

The points above are necessary steps for Nigeria in particular if we are to take advantage of the many riches of our land and very crucial for the government if it is to achieve its vision 202020. There is no better time than now to be fiscally prudent, to create an economy with sound infrastructure (especially education, healthcare, power and roads) and safe institutions.  I believe in this country!

Microsoft Office Tips & Techniques: Basic Shared Features


If you work in a corporate environment, then you probably have used any of the Standard Microsoft Office applications – MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook. Despite the ready availability and popularity of this group of applications, I am not sure we utilize up to 50% of its capabilities which are meant to simplify business processes.

MS Office tips and tricks would be providing you with ways and techniques to improve your knowledge of Office applications from write-ups on the fundamental tools to postings on how to complete seemingly difficult tasks. The goal is to ensure that you maximize the potentials that the application has to offer thereby leading to efficient and improved performance.

I hope you find this beneficial.

So here is the first edition of the tip & technique.


Microsoft Office Basic Shared Features

Quick Introduction: What is Microsoft Office? (Most of us may be familiar with this already).

I would say it’s a suite comprising of a word processor (MS Word), a spreadsheet application (MS Excel), an E-mail client (MS Outlook ), a presentation application (MS PowerPoint) and in some fuller / professional versions – you could have a database management application (MS Access), MS OneNote, MS Visio, MS FrontPage, MS InfoPath, MS Publisher and others.

Things to note:

  • The programs are all desktop applications which can be used on Windows and Mac OS X platforms.
  • The software is designed to aid administrative, communication and other business processes and generally make your life easier and improve your day- to-day functionality.
  • All the applications within the suite are interrelated and have many shared features (you would learn more on this in future posts) – the focus of the current post is on some the basic shared feature.
  • Understanding the basic/shared features in, for example, MS Word means you would not need to go through the learning process in MS Excel.

Basic Shared Bars

Bar Description
Title Bar Names the application
Menu Bar This is the second bar after the Title bar – it contains File, Edit, View, Format, Tools, Table, Window and Help Menus. The Menu Bar is like the powerhouse. Everything you need to get around any Office application is contained in the Menu
Standard Tool Bar shows all icons and shortcuts to frequently used menu commands such as file operations (New, Open, Save), Undo, Redo, Copy, Cut & Paste, View etc
Formatting Tool Bar Shows all the icons you need for basic formatting from Font type, Size, Alignment, tabs, bullets and numbering, borders and shading. The formatting toolbar can be of great help because it makes all your formatting needs just a click away.Formatting toolbar vary depending on the application
Task Pane Always on the right hand side. Commonly and frequently used features are grouped on the task-pane for convenience. The item on the task changes in line with current action.
Status Bar Displays page number / slide number and other document / presentation / worksheet properties.

Note: Pointing the cursor on any toolbar icon displays the name of the icon – this is true for all MS Office applications and some other Graphic User Interface such as Windows/Mac OS X based applications.

Figure 1

MS Office Basic Shared Bars

Basic Shared Controls / Short cuts (more on specific controls / shortcuts in future posts)

Command Description
F1 Help menu (this control also initiates the Help Menu in Windows).
F12 ‘Save As’ or ALT F A (does not work in Outlook).
Ctrl P Print
Ctrl C, X and V Copy, Cut and Paste.
Ctrl N Creates a new blank document/workbook/presentation etc.
Ctrl O Opens a document.
Ctrl Y & Z Undo and Redo
Ctrl F4 or Ctrl W Closes current document/spreadsheet/presentation etc
Ctrl Home Navigates to the beginning of the page.
Ctrl End Navigates to the end of the page
Alt F4 Closes application i.e. MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel.
Ctrl B, U, & I Bold, Underline & Italicize.
F7 Runs spelling and grammar check.
Shift F7 Runs the thesaurus.
Ctrl A Selects All

Please note: the list is not exclusive and this post was written with MS Office 2003 in mind. MSOffice 2007 is different with regards to the standard and formatting toolbars (they have been replaced with the ‘ribbon’) and looks really complex at a glance. By the way, the release of MS Office 2010 was announced by Microsoft Corporation in July 2009 with better functionality and improved user experience (more on this in future posts).

The Garlic Miracle

The Garlic Miracle
The Garlic Miracle

I hated garlic. I am disgusted by the smell of it. I have a couple of friends who feel the same way. I don’t know about you. What I do know now is that garlic is very good for the health.

Today, I discovered the many wonders of Garlic. Garlic is the miracle food we all hate. No, at least some of us, (to say that would translate to committing the fallacy of hasty generalization). Garlic has the capabilities of protecting the heart, and the body against cancers and other fungal and microbial infections like Candida.

I read that when garlic extract were injected into some

mice with Candida infections, after the first day, Candida colonies numbered 400, compared with 3,500 among the mice given only a salt-water solution. After two days, amazingly, the garlic treated mice were free of Candida. (Read original story here)

So, friends let’s start Garlicing. It’s good for your health. If you hate the odour so much, get the natural garlic powder (available in most local markets in Nigeria) and add it to your cooking or get Garlic tablets for a more structured plan.

What’s in the Black Box?

“To be at peace with yourself, you must engage in what you love doing”

Some of us may be familiar with this phrase (the black box) known to all avid readers of Jim Collins’ ‘Good to Great’. In his book, he affirmed that inside the black box is yet another black box – namely the inner development of a person to Level 5 Leadership. The Level 5 leader is one that builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will. But I do not intend to talk about Jim Collins and Leadership, I am only challenging us all that inside us (may be in the inner black box) is that inherent ability to build enduring greatness, to change our own destiny, to move the unmovable, to step out of the usual and to be the person we are created to be.

I believe, in my not-so-much-years of living on this planet, getting to that point would begin through a process of self awareness, looking inside and discovering something that you are able to live and die for. Something YOU, something you love and would make you be at peace with yourself.