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Tell us a little bit about yourself and your role in your business.

I am a wife and mother of 4, an accomplished UK CIBTAC Certified Esthetician and Holistic Nutritionist, with over 15 years experience in the beauty and wellness industry. In 2005, upon completion of the prescribed training in Skin Care and nutrition, I gained valuable experience while employed by one of the United Kingdom’s pioneers in the health and beauty field, and was recognized as one of the top therapist in their various clinics across the country. Advances in technology have now enabled me to broaden my extensive experience in skin care and weight-loss over the past 15 years with the use of heat and light therapy. I am the head esthetician / holistic nutritionist / CEO of Biyou Spa and recipe creator of Health Bistro, which was established 7 years ago as a female only spa.
Not only do we provide alternative to weightloss and skincare, I also help people suffering with high sugar and cholesterol levels reverse these diseases using my knowledge as a nutritionist.

Joyce Busari, CEO Biyou Spa

What led you into this sector as a career ?

I grew up in a home where health and wellness was a lifestyle, and I saw the desire and drive for every woman wanting to look beautiful, slim and young, this led a lot of women to do harmful things to their skin and body ignorantly. I wanted to help women achieve their desires without the need for drastic measures such as cosmetic surgery.

Entrepreneurship could be hard, what has been the highlight of your entrepreneurial journey so far?

Entrepreneurship is very challenging especially in Nigeria, sometimes I feel like one is contending with everything from staffs, electricity and just about any thing you can think of. Having said that, when you help clients achieve their desired goal, it makes everything worthwhile.

What is it like working in your industry?

In the wellness and spa industry, once you are knowledgeable, your clients trust you 100%, especially if they have gotten good results from their experience with you. It is fulfilling to see how a life can change and can be challenging other times, especially when clients don’t adhere to the advise given, all in all when clients achieve the goals they set for themselves and to be part of their journey, it just brings it all together.

The Biyou Spa, a women only spa, located in Alausa, Lagos, Nigeria.

What are some of the big goals you hope to achieve in the next 5 years?

To be amongst the leading spa for alternative holistic solutions to skincare, weight loss and nutrition in Africa. To also help as much people who suffer from type 2 diabetes and cholesterol reverse their disease and get them off their medication.

What lesson or what advice would you give to anyone who wants to break into your industry?

Firstly, your foundation has to be solid, that is to get proper education so you understand how your business works and so no one can hold you to ransom. And always study, as knowledge and technology advances everyday. Learning doesn’t stop in the classroom.

Joyce Busari of BiyouSpa works with a client

Secondly, make sure you put proper business structures in place before you start your business, every one should know their role and responsibility, this makes it easier for you the entrepreneur to know who amongst your employees may need training or may need to be fired if they don’t align with the company policies. Keep proper account so you can track your income and expenses, evaluate the performance of your business, create budget and curb theft.

A beautiful view of Biyou Spa!

Create a culture in your business, defining the company mission, values, ethics & expectations from your employees.

Finally, the spa industry is a serviced based industry, always strive to create an unforgettable experience every time a client comes in.

You can learn more about Biyou Spa by visiting their website at www.biyouspa.com


The world’s richest man could be rich beyond imagination in a relatively few years — tracking as he is, according to the content and comparison site Comparisun, toward becoming the planet’s first trillionaire — and the global pandemic, a source of anxiety and worse for much of the world, may be speeding the process.

Updated data provided to MarketWatch by the company show that Bezos would have to wait a further four years — until 2030, when he’s 66 years old — to ascend the trillionaire’s throne.

Here’s how Comparisun described its methodology:

We analysed the market capitalization of the 25 highest valued companies on the New York Stock Exchange according to Macrotrends, as well as the net worth of the richest 25 people in the world, according to Forbes, in both cases taking the last five years of data (as of September 16th).

For both, we then calculated the average yearly % growth over the last five years and applied this rate of growth for each future year to try and predict how the value will change.

Amazon.com founder and CEO Jeff Bezos’s name was trending on Twitter early Thursday as the Comparisun study, dated though it was, made the rounds.

Amazon.com’s sales topped $75 billion in the first quarter of this year which was largely driven by the high demand during this pandemic that has kept people at home and made them depend on home delivery for just about any households item and even groceries.

According to Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index, Bezos’s net worth has risen from $125 billion on April 12 to $143 billion on May 5. However, as the chart shows, the rise is not direct, it’s a little high,a little low but it’s rising:

It is known that a large portion of his wealth was handed over to his now-ex-wife during the dissolution of their marriage last July.

Shares of Amazon AMZN, +0.88% are up about 29% in 2020 — this while the benchmark S&P 500 SPX, +1.15% is down nearly 12% — though the road ahead could be a bit rocky as the company has pledged to spend $4 billion or more to develop COVID-19 testing capabilities for all of its employees, “enhanced cleaning” of its facilities and “higher wages for hourly teams.” Such extra spending to cope with the pandemic may wipe out the company’s second-quarter profit and tarnish the stock’s attractiveness to investors.

But Amazon — whose shares have nearly tripled in value over the past three years — will likely remain a favorite among investors, with the potential for a second wave of the virus, and more lockdowns, as one potential near-term catalyst.

According to the 2019 study from Comparisun, whose content and comparison platform is geared toward the operators of small and midsize businesses (recent headlines: “Top tips on how to manage your business correctly!” and “The Best Software Tools For The Medicinal Industries” and “What is the best iPad POS System for a Bar?”), Bezos could reach trillionaire status by 2026.

Updated data provided to MarketWatch by the company show that Bezos would have to wait a further four years — until 2030, when he’s 66 years old — to ascend the trillionaire’s throne.

Here’s how Comparisun described its methodology:

We analysed the market capitalization of the 25 highest valued companies on the New York Stock Exchange according to Macrotrends, as well as the net worth of the richest 25 people in the world, according to Forbes, in both cases taking the last five years of data (as of September 16th).

For both, we then calculated the average yearly % growth over the last five years and applied this rate of growth for each future year to try and predict how the value will change.

Here’s the chart Comparisun produced last year of the world’s richest people and how reachable the trillion-dollar level is for each — reportedly concluding that only 11 of the 25 people on the list had a “realistic” chance to amass a 13-digit fortune in their lifetimes:

Credit: marketwatch.com


It’s so easy to be overwhelmed by all that is going on around you and this can affect the outlook we have about ourselves and life.

It’s important to actually surround ourselves with positive words and people. This does not mean we ignore the bad things but we are grateful for every other thing. We live a life of gratitude.

Here are 7 gratitude quotes to show us that we have every reason to be grateful and have a positive outlook:

“I lie in bed at night, after ending my prayers with the words ‘Ich danke dir für all das Gute und Liebe und Schöne.’ (Thank you, God, for all that is good and dear and beautiful.)


“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”


“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.”


“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”


“No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.”


“Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.”


“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.”




There are different ways to support small businesses during this COVID-19 period. One of which is, using the new Support Small Business sticker for Instagram Stories.


To use Instagram’s new sticker, open the stories camera, snap a photo or record a video. An image or video from the gallery can be used. Also, an image from the Instagram page of the business can be posted to the story.

Once an image is selected, open the stickers tray and select the Support Small Business sticker.

Next, type the name of the small business you want to support on the sticker.

To change the style of the sticker, simply tap it to view the style options. Then hit post it and it reflects on the support small businesses story, your story and the business page receives the notification and can share it on their story. Other individuals can tap on the sticker to learn more about the business and gain easy access to the page.

In case, the sticker does not reflect on your sticker options, simply update the application. The sticker should be present after the update.

This is a cheap and effective way to get one’s business out there and get the support needed to grow it.

Now head over to Instagram and support your friend’s business or your business.


Due to the pandemic, the lockdown has been extended for another period of time. After this lockdown, there’ll be a shift in how businesses are ran and bigger skills especially in the IT sector would be required. We all have to be at the top of our game.

How then can we be more equipped to be skilled without having to spend so much?

Learn, gain knowledge and practice. Luckily for us, some academic organizations are hosting free classes which will be of great benefit to us.

Below is a list of online classes to be a part of and gain new skills for free.

  1. Oxford home study
  2. Alison
  3. Future learn
  4. Open learning
  5. YouTube
  6. Codecademy
  7. EDX by Harvard
  8. Harvard Online Learning
  9. Duolingo
  10. Coursera

Going on these websites can be a little overwhelming with the number of courses, however don’t try to enrol in as many as you can, enrol in what is of priority to you and in line with your goals. Think ahead and don’t enrol because many are enrolling.

Most importantly, build on computer skills; be skilled in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. It is of utmost importance to know how to operate these softwares well.

We hope these tools are helpful. Stay tuned for more and stay safe.


Seun Tayo-Balogun is the CEO of Brief Essentials, Nigeria’s largest online store for lingerie, active wear, shapewear, swimwear and underwear solutions. Tips and solutions are also provided on the various social media platforms. She also runs BEactive (Brief Essentials Active) which is a social media platform that provides information on fitness, wellness and health. It’s no doubt that she has built a successful business and we are here to share 5 lessons we can learn from her.

Seun Tayo-Balogun
  • Consistency: To attain the level of success you desire or to achieve that goal, you have to be consistent. It’s not just about hard work but are you cultivating a daily habit/consistency to keep it going? “Want to be a better enterpreneur? Be consistent, it’s that simple” – Seun Tayo-Balogun
  • Believe in yourself: You have to believe that you can do great things and not worry about what others will say. Doubting yourself is worse than people doubting you. “Stop doubting yourself, a lot of people are intimidated by your potential.” – Seun Tayo-Balogun
  • Think about your customers: Your business is not about you but the people that’ll buy from you. Think about changes you’ll make that will make it easier for your customers to buy from you. Know what they want. “Have the ability to create convenient options for your customers. you should also be versatile.” – Seun Tayo-Balogun
  • Start Strong: Start well and if you hit a wall, find another way and keep going. “Hard work, perseverance, dedication and faith are essential in the initial stage for success in business.” – Seun Tayo-Balogun
  • Don’t Underestimate your Ideas: Have an idea? Don’t push it aside, do the research, count your cost and if it doesn’t work, get another idea and go again but don’t push it aside. You just never know if it’ll lead you to your success. “If you are so convinced about your ideas, do not underestimate them; just try even when you know you could fail. That idea might be the access path to your future.” – Seun Tayo-Balogun


According to Forbes, Kylie Jenner is the world’s youngest self-made billionaire. She is the creator of the Kylie lip kit, nail polish and skin care.
Kylie is 22 years old and she started her business at a much younger age. As adults, we all know the struggles that are attached to business. She had her fair share of struggle one of which is people not taking her seriously because of her age.

She shared a few lessons in an interview on the famous Keeping up with the Kardashians.
These lessons apply to every entrepreneur, CEO and business owner, most especially of an individual who is just starting up.

  • Advertising: Kylie didn’t pay advertising companies because she already had her audience on social media, hence, she made use of that platform to get her products out there. Use what you can. Advertising is very important in drawing customers. If you think you have customers, you can have more than that.
  • Getting started: The business started out as an idea which was to meet a need. It didn’t stay as an idea, it was actualized. That idea you have, conduct more researches, know how it meets the need of the community and know your niche.
  • Balance lifestyle: There should be a balance. We need to have wholesome relationships, family, vacations (periods of rest). There is life outside work and if the other parts are not balanced, it can have effects in the long run. Balance is key.
  • Creating Boundaries: Know who you surround yourself with, know what you can take and deal with anything that could affect your business in the long run. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries.
  • Friends, Family and business: We love them but sometimes we have to treat them like every other customer or employee. Like we mentioned in boundaries, they need to know that this is your business and to respect that, they act accordingly.

These lessons are very important in our business, though not the ultimate and complete factors to a great business. To learn much more for your business, follow us @thebriefnetwork on Instagram.

Also, subscribe to thebriefnetwork.com


Social distancing has made a lot of us have to take work from the office to the home, to ensure safety for ourselves and our loved ones.
However, working from home has its challenges and we might not achieve as much as we should because of the comfort.
How then can we be productive while working from home?
The best way is to act like you’re going to work and at work.
The steps you can take are:

1) Pick out your work clothes from the day before or in the morning. Doesn’t have to be extravagant but not in your PJs or lounge wear.

2) Have a morning routine and a to-do list laid out for the next day. .

3) Shower and dress for “work”. .

4) Follow your to-do list

5) Have a work spot at home, it’ll help with the focus.

6) Have periods of rest, eat well, you’re at home and you deserve to just chill.

7) Control your phone usage time, try as much as possible to focus on the needful if your phone is needed for work. .

8) Take a break for the night and repeat.
This is all dependent on the workload one has and other factors that could influence the productivity of the individual. Also, know what works for you to ensure this period is maximized.

Have a productive and equally restful isolation period.



The confirmation of corona virus outbreak yesterday in Nigeria has thrown Lagosians and other Nigerians in frenzy about the next step of action to be taken. As the virus continues to be contained amidst its spread, here are things you should know about it, symptoms, preparation and preventive measures to take.

What you need to know

  1. The virus may be contagious but is less deadly compared to other outbreaks. However, people with underlying medical problems and smokers seem to be at a higher risk.
  2. The symptoms include low grade fever, fatigue, headaches, cough and less frequently diarrhea.
  3. To prevent this, wash your hands as viruses can spread via respiratory droplets.
  4. Do not touch surfaces such as door knobs, elevator buttons and surfaces. If you do, do not touch your nose, eyes or mouth or become infected.
  5. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer with 60% – 95% alcohol especially after going to the bathroom; before eating, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
  6. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and dispose properly
  7. Use face masks rightly and dispose properly after use


  1. Don’t panic, stock up your house with foodstuffs and cleaning supplies. Think about having enough on ground to last a few months.
  2. Get basic medications in the house like pain killers, cough medicine or other medications you take.
  3. Have a contingency plan if schools were to close during an outbreak and if you are unable to go to work.
  4. Travel smart, research countries where the outbreak has not occurred before travelling. Think about possible travel disruptions in the event of an outbreak.

Stay safe everyone, no need to panic, there’s a low chance of being infected if these guidelines are followed. Follow the precautions and educate others too.



Welcome to #featurefriday and today we have @jagabeauty who tells us about her business and shares her experience as an entrepreneur with us.

Jagabeauty provides natural skincare solutions and beauty essentials for the everyday woman’s total transformation and confidence restoration. .
We do this via trainings (online and off line), Consultation, sales and recommendation of safe skincare, beauty and personal care products .

I’m glad to say that our brand can be rated dependable and has over 12 years received an admirable recognition in the beauty industry even in the face of challenges.

The most recent being last year. We got unpleasant feedback concerning one of our products ‘Brushlove’, a makeup brush cleaner. Apparently a certain batch sold gave off an offensive smell when used and this caused a major drop in demand and sales.

My first reaction and emotions were that of disappointment and fear. I felt terrible, especially not knowing how many people would have experienced this and made their conclusions.
I asked the Holy Spirit for wisdom and then reached out to 2 of my team members and we immediately decided to put out a public apology online and then recalled as many of the bottles as we could and sent replacements without further charges. It wasn’t an easy feat but we were determined to learn and grow from that experience. .

My advise to Entrepreneurs would be, “Don’t be afraid of failure… It wouldn’t even exist the moment you begin to consider your set backs as opportunities to evolve and expand”.