June is the month for Men’s Health Awareness; a time to highlight and address general and mental issues faced by men. Traditionally, there is still some stigma around men’s mental health issues. Studies suggest that owing to the stereotypical ‘tough guy’ persona, men are less likely to see a primary care doctor, or seek help for mental health issues. Although the issue of Male Depression is seldom addressed, it is more real now than ever. Statistics show that less than 50% of men are likely to exhibit forms of vulnerability, for fear of being called ‘weak’.
Social norms have defined what it means to be “a man”. For some men this may mean:
- Showing no fear.
- Handling tough situations alone without seeking advice or help.
- Showing no visible signs of pain.
- Physically taking out feelings of frustrations or anger on people close to them.
There are various types of Depression. Find some below:
- Clinical Depression.
- Persistent Depressive Disorder.
- Major Depressive Disorder.
- Bipolar Disorder.
- Bipolar 11 Disorder.
- Postpartum Depression.
Furthermore, Depression is a serious mental state in which the way a person acts, thinks, and handles their daily activities, is affected negatively.
It may be difficult to point out a general cause for depression in men due to differences in life experiences, and other personal factors. For some people, it may be loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, consistent abuse of any kind, work-related stress, loneliness, divorce, etc. Additionally, men can develop depression for any reason. The fact that the cause is unknown does not invalidate the feeling or state of depression.
Studies have shown that 1 in every 8 men, is more likely to be dealing with depression. And, there are several indicators; physical characteristics or actions that point to male depression. Here are signs to look out for:
- Irritability or constant outbursts of anger.
- Constant acts of hostility and aggression.
- Constant fatigue and a general disinterest in usual activities like work, play, etc.
- Low self-esteem.
- Difficulty in decision-making.
- Reliance on substances and alcohol.
- Loss of sexual desire or appetite.
Arguably, the above signs may manifest in almost everyone. However, if you discover that they appear often, then you’re most likely dealing with depression.
If you believe that a male friend, family member, or your partner is facing depression you can do any of the following:
- Intentionally inquire about their welfare: most men are less likely to open up about their emotional state, but through striking up an intentional conversation, some of the indicators listed above can be noticed.
- Offer validation i.e compliments and encouragement: a simple “I appreciate all you do” can go a long way.
- Let them know that it is okay to take a day or days off. You can also go further to suggest relaxation activities.
- Delicately suggest therapy or advice that they see a medical practitioner or speak to a trusted mentor.
If you are facing depression, speak with a psychiatrist as soon as possible,