5 Businesses you can start with Little to no Capital

Are you looking to start a new business? Do you want to expand your streams of income? We at The Brief Network will show you 5 businesses you can start with little to no capital.

  • Thrift Store: This is a business that requires little capital at the first start. People want affordable and beautiful clothes to wear and you can expand as you get more profit and more customers. Models are not needed and fliers can be created with graphic design apps.

  • Personal Shopper or Cook: There are people that do not have the time or energy to cook. Capital is not needed to start this, you can go door to door or create a media flier and advertise via social media. They pay you to shop for them or cook for them.

  • Teach a Skill: Do you possess a very creative skill? You can teach via WhatsApp, Instagram, Zoom and any other webinar platform with zero capital. You get paid by those that want to learn.

  • Be an Event Planner: This requires acquisition of certain skills and creativity, however, you can start an ushering agency as part of the business which will yield extra income. It does require a bit of capital for further trainings and certifications.

  • Laundry Service: If you’re someone that enjoys washing or you have a washing machine at home, this is for you. No capital needed to start, just wash and get paid. You can then expand as time goes to get a bigger washing machine or eventually own your Laundromat.

There are definitely more businesses that you can start and you can let us know in the comment section.

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